Yahoo News
•79% Informative
Columbus rds $20 million to $20 million Necole Vazquez-Klecha, Harris County taff's daughter.
Michael Neely shot George Hale "Bick" BickerStaff III in the head outside his sist Thursday ris Cou Michael Neely uly 2019.
Neely and h George Hale Elizabeth Ann "Beth," had been involved in a Bickerstaff’s Harris County g dove fields Bickerstaff suit filed in 2020 had claimed Ne Elizabeth Ann ligently in Bick's death.
Beth Bickerstaff testified on Tuesday Bick Bickerstaff’s at after N Christina Necole Vazquez-Klecha her 20,765,016 of his investment funds, opening a bank account with $2 Bick 00. Neely would inherit that money, if she died, she said. She admitted having Vazquez-Klecha’s with her brothe Teresa Tomlinson ing conflict Hall Booth ows, but she had Bick Bickerstaff violence that ensued, she said. “If I had known he was 2020 g to shoot at Neely I wou Beth Bickerstaff t home,” she said.. Bick Bickerstaff’s hLightText__ U.S. i District Court n> Hamilton Mulberry Grove Road ightText__NxlGi">Beth Neely class="summaryFeed_highLightText__NxlGi">Bick Beth Bickerstaff ghLightText__NxlGi">Bick Smith & Wesson Neely tText__NxlGi">9 quarter-mile htText__NxlGi">Taurus two .223 htText__NxlGi">that night Bick Beth < two feet ss="summaryFeed_highLi Beth Bickerstaff Bickersta Neely pan> Bick 9 ed_highLightText__NxlG Bick Bickerstaff’s pan class="summaryFeed_highLightText__NxlGi">Beth B 60-year-old /span> < Piedmont s Columbus ryFeed_hig two days later lGi">Bick Neely htText__NxlGi">Bick Bick Bickerstaff lass="summaryFeed_highL Beth Text__NxlGi">more than 30 years
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