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Brother-in-law says judge's 'big mess up' wrongly linked him to Megan McDonald case

Yahoo News
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66% Informative

Brown later rejected the wiretap war Orange County y State Craig Stephen Brown lacked probable ca Rivera B 45 the Scotchtown gotten it wrong when he made that phone call to Chorzempa, his brother-i McDonald Facebook era: "I ab the USA Today Network New York nothing to do wit this week se".

Edward Holley has bee Bad Blood with second-degree murde McDonald death of Megan McDonald.

Orange County’s his innocence in the McDonald case, and his brother-in-law has never talked to Rivera about the case.

Rivera: David M. Hoovler ut with them ever in my lifetime, besides seeing one guy at the Hoovler all park".

Hoovler said his client would be McDonald ed a principal or an accomplice to the crime.

Assistant District Attorney Maryellen Black Albanese took notes taken by assistant DA.

Assistant DA: "Principal or accomplice, there’s very little distinguishing that here. They March 2019 acting i Brown cert". < State class="summaryFeed_hi Kevin Chorzempa lGi">Megan Rivera ld McDonald ext__Nx Brown Rockland/Westc the USA Today Network span> Reach Peter D. Kramer Alban Brown span> a July 30, 2008 A year later ghLightText__NxlGi">Hoo second span> Albanese Maryellen Black Chorzempa summaryFeed_highLightText__NxlGi Rivera e Thurston McDonald lGi">Hoovler Facebook maryFeed_hi the USA Today Network oo Rivera ears Megan McDonald Megan McDonald Bad Blood New York the Town of Wallkill Rivera eed_highLightText__NxlGi">March 14, 2003 Holley six McDonald 2003 second last weekan interview Tuesday ma Rivera _highLightTex late November 2006 ounty Jail KJ’s Restaurant __NxlGi">Edward Holley about 15 minutes _NxlGi">David Hoovler's th Rivera ce for Public Communications Clerk Lyn McKelvey 28-year-old y Jamar Nelson htText__NxlGi">Rivera Rivera ="summaryFeed_highLightText__NxlGi">Brown Megan RiveraRivera pan class="summaryFeed_highLightText__Nx Brown the USA Today Network New York Middletown highLightText__NxlGi">Faceboo Brown an> 2016 ightText__NxlGi">Craig Rivera n class="summaryFeed_highLightText__NxlGi">Rivera Craig March 2019 n’t hLightT years later >B Rivera span> Rivera P recent days summaryFeed_h Bad Blood ext__NxlGi">Rivera < years class="summaryFeed_highLightText__NxlGi">Rivera March 18, 2019 ryFeed_highLightText__N Megan McDonald pan> Orange County iver the past 20 years la Rivera mmaryFeed_highLightText__Nxl 20-year-old d Blood Bowser Road xlGi">Megan McDo Scotchtown > Rivera Brown Rivera Rivera New York Rivera xt__NxlGi">the USA Today Ne Edward Holley second tText__NxlGi">Bad Bloo McDonald Andre Thurston rk 2010 lass="summaryFeed_highLightText__NxlGi">2007 Holley ghtText__NxlGi">Holley one __NxlGi">Rivera

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