Yahoo News

Yahoo News

SFCC offers resources for students to attend college, parent at the same time

Yahoo News
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78% Informative

Santa Fe Community College aims to create a multig Feb. 8 ional nucleus of le Santa Fe Community College rents feel welcome and supported.

In New Mexico, about one in four college students is a parent.

SFCC is spearheading a data-gathering effort, circulating a survey across the state to better understand challenges student parents face.

Etagu Wondimu, an early childhood education student with a 7- and a 2-ye one old, envisioned an outdoor play space for her kids.

Andrea Gonzales, another student parent, said she'd like to see more fathers get involved.

Patricia Trujillo, deputy Santa Fe Community College's gher Education Department, applauded the student parents' commitment. Trujillo Higher Education Department 2022 yFeed_highLightText__NxlGi">New Mexico's Patricia Trujillo Catron Allred span> SFCC ="s Early Childhood Center of Excellence dimu Allred xt__NxlGi">2-year-old Etagu Wondimu Andrea Gonzales Allred Gi">SFCC Thursday summaryFeed_highLightText__NxlGi">4-year-old New Mexico _NxlGi">Tatiana Grieg SFCC pan> SFCC Allred SFCC Gi">New Mexico new Student Parent Alliance co College Student Experience Survey Allred New Mexico hL about one _Nxl four Parent Fellow this academic year Opportunity Scholarship _NxlGi">under New Mexico two SFCC Jackie Rodriguez driguez SFCC ryFeed_highLig 2-year-old lGi">Allred one ss="summaryFeed_highLightText__NxlGi">AllredRodriguez class="summaryFeed_highLightText__NxlGi">Becky Rowley Opportunity Scholarship ed_highLightText__NxlGi">SFCC the past two years SFCC mmaryFeed_highLig one ext_ seven i">2022-24 U.S.

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