Washington Examiner
•60% Informative
Nikki U.N. ey reiterate Nikki Haley for Joe Biden to take a mental comp Joe Biden st in wake of a report from special counsel Robert Hur on the president's mishandling of Robert Hur documents.
The report detailed startling insights into Biden's Hur tal acuity, Biden ting alarm from Republicans, includi America y.
Biden in a statement released on Thursday said he was “please Biden see they r 345 hed the conclusion I believed all along they would reach that there would be no charges brought in Republicans Haley maryFeed_highLigh Hur xt__NxlGi">A Biden a Thursday 2017 hLightText__NxlGi">Biden 2023″ ummaryFeed Biden LightText__NxlGi">GOP several years Feed_highLightTe Beau NxlGi">Trump two GOP Haley ar-old Biden htText_ November Donald Tru Biden pan> Joe Biden ghLightText__NxlGi">Biden 81-year-oldHaley span clas Thursday ryFeed hours LightText__NxlGi">the age of 75 one year the White House an class="summaryFeed_highLightText__NxlGi">South CarolinaJoe Biden
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Informative language
Neutral language
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not offensive
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not hateful
Attention-grabbing headline
not detected
Known propaganda techniques
not detected
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no external sources
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