Live Science

Live Science

Massive hydrogen reservoir discovered beneath an Albanian mine could be an untapped source of clean energy

Live Science
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A massive hydrogen reservoir may be lurking deep beneath a chromium mine i Albania ia, a new study has found.

The reservoir sits within a portion Earth arth's crust and mantle that once lay at the bottom of the ocean.

The high concentrations measured inside the mine are thought to have sparked three explosions since 2011.

Hydrogen is a highly flamma between 45 million and 15 million years ago Text__NxlGi">s 1,900-mile-long sp 3,000 kilometers yFeed_highLightText__NxlGi">Zoe present-day i Turkey tTex Slovenia ">Guardian Imperial College London England the University of Southampton Bulqizë __NxlGi">Live Science25 miles pa 40 km ss="summaryFeed Tirana ig Albania _NxlGi">Sascha daily 238 years 50,000 metric tons As much as 55,000 tons Laurent Truche yFeed_highLightText__NxlGi">Truch Grenoble Alpes University mmar France highLig Live Science i">3,300 feet 500 Truche class="summaryFeed_highLightText__NxlGi">between 1,640 feet 30-square-meter d_ 323 square feet NxlGi">5,000 Truche htText__NxlGi">up to 16,400 feet Bulqizë eed_highLightText__NxlGi">1,000 up to 3,300 feet at least 220 tons an 200 metric tons "summaryFeed_highLightText__NxlGi">33 feet Science Hydrogen ightText__NxlGi">Feb. 8) Bulqizë >Thursday three eed_highLightText_ 2011 Gi">twofour Bulqizë Truche