•Chinese 'spy' arrested in California for 'stealing secret technology'
83% Informative
Chinese ng Gong, 57, of San Tuesday alifornia, was said to have transferred more than 3,6000 files containing trade secret technology 'worth hund Chenguang Gong ns 57 f dol San Jose e California uded designs for space-based sy more than 3,6000 nuclear missile launches and track ballistic and hundreds of millions of dollars nology 'would US dangerous to US national security if obtained by int US national actors,' according to court documents.
Gong is a China-native who moved to the US aroun China 3 and became a citizen in US 011.
H 1993 s released on $2.5 millio 2011 nd Wedn US day following the Central District e.
California elieved to have been born in Z the People's Republic of China is resume stated that he 'earned a Master of Science Degree in E $2.5 million gineer Wednesday Clemson University and c San Jose some PhD work at Stanford Uni February 20 ng said he 'too 10 years ' by traveling to China to participate in t this week Programs Gong cause [he] worked foran American militar China ustry company'. US the Victim Company Courthouse News Service eed_highLightTe Gong NxlGi">the late 1 Malibu oHRL Laboratories summaryFeed_highLightText__NxlGi">Stanford University Gong ext__NxlGi">Ph January 2023 pan class="summaryFeed_highLightText__NxlGi">Clemson University April 26, 2023 Fee Pamela Reese ext__NxlGi">a Master of Science Degree in Elect HRL Laboratories g < Courthouse News Service _highLightText__NxlGi">China Zhejiang China Americanthe U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigations ext__NxlGi">the Talen Gong ograms ' ChinaHRL Serrano Readout Integrated Circuit ese 2019 China 'The Serrano Readout Integrated Circuit e September 2020 Talen Program hundreds the Anaheim Readout Integrated Circuit Thousand Oaks Gong May 8, 2023 FBI the Justice Department he Justice Department Chi US se China Gong Dallas 2014 more than 1,800 an>
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