The Nevada Independent
•US Politics
US Politics
74% Informative
In what few national polls that have included his name, he has rece Feb. 8 omewhere between 0 percent and 2 percen 55,000 ort in Nevada.
In Iowa, he received just 0.7 percent of the vote.
Binkley fr Florida y crit Ron DeSantis ealth care system and pharmaceutical companies.
He said the Affordable six re Act was likely to collapse, to “get undon seven omatically,” by undoing state-by-state insurance monopolies.
He called for the the three months uying drugs from other countries to lower costs. Nevada Nevada class="summaryFeed_highLightText__NxlGi">New Hampshire Trump ryFeed_ Ryan Binkley t_ Binkley >Iowa < Texas class="summaryFeed_highLightText__NxlGi">Binkley Generational Group Feed_ Richardson ex Texas lGi">70 percent Ellie htText__NxlGi">Trump Create Church "summaryFe Richardson htText__NxlGi">DeSantisRepublican class="summaryFeed_highLightT the United States a last April Te Binkley Gi">Trump Binkley $8 million aryFeed_highLightText__NxlGi">Lincoln 0.7 percent ed_highLightText Iowa lGi 774 .S. fifth ryFeed_highLi Monday t__NxlGi">Abraham Lincoln four "summaryFeed_highLightText__NxlGi Arkansas g Jesu Asa Hutchinson n class="summaryFeed_ about 11 tText__NxlGi">Trumpfourth pan class="summar Vivek Ramaswamy Text__NxlGi">Ronald Reag The Nevada Independent = Tuesday yF Binkley hLightText__NxlGi">Republican< Nevada next month’s htText__NxlGi">Medicare Democrats America maryFeed_highLightText__NxlGi">U.S. Binkley ss="summaryFeed_highLightText__NxlGi">Affordable Care Act Binkley between 0 percent and 2 percent _highLightText__NxlGi">Americans Nevada ="summaryFe Jan. 5 hLight Emerson College itter 1 percent Feed_highLightText__NxlGi">Trump Binkley hLightText__NxlGi Trump kley Nevada > the Republican National Convention span class="summaryFeed_highLightText__NxlGi">the end of the day Binkley "summaryFeed_highLightText__NxlGi"> GOP ublican 14 years U.S.-Mexico htText__NxlGi" at least $30 billion lass="summaryFeed_highLightText__NxlGi">Bink National Guard pan class="summa Department of Homeland Security nkley 30 years Nxl Binkley ca Mountain Republican eed_highLightText__NxlGi">U.S. Trump yFeed_highLightText__NxlGi">Nevada the last few years Nevada t__NxlGi">Lake Mea Binkley > California next week Feed_highLightText__NxlGi">the Colorado River
VR Score
Informative language
Neutral language
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Offensive language
not offensive
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not hateful
Attention-grabbing headline
not detected
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not detected
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