CBS News
•Utah special election today for Congress' 435th seat
77% Informative
Republic Utah eleste Maloy is the hea Republican e in the Republican-leaning 2nd cong Democratic district.
State Sen. Kathl election Tuesday No. 2 Democ Republican U.S. e Sena Chris Stewart ner will join the state's Republican e Celeste Maloy U.S. Hous Stewart rs.
The election will determine the 43 Kathleen Riebe the House. 2 _ Democrat tText__NxlGi"> Senate atic first ed_highLig Utah xt__NxlGi">Riebe 2019 summaryFeed_hi fifth htText__NxlGi">Democratic 435th maryFeed_highLi House xt__NxlGi">Bruce Houghfirst House ummaryFeed_high 435 htText__NxlGi"> earlier this year an Stewart n class="summ May 31 d_highLightTex June 1 Gi Democrat 5 Gabe Amo Nov. 7 epublican Nevada ass="summaryFeed_highLightText__NxlGi Utah ree Republican LightText 2nd xlGi">May Re Utah ican Salt Lake City class="summaryFeed_highLightText__ three ">Stewa Republican U.S. n House s="summaryFeed_highLig two e U.S. NxlGi">U.S. Air For Republican U.S.-Mexico 2015-2019 Utah a Love the U.S. House Stewart highLig Oct. 26 _NxlGi">Utah< Riebe > the Federal Election Commission about 90% Congress ghtText__NxlGi">half the seven months Congress ghLightText Long Island re than three-quarter the Salt Lake City ass="summar Cottonwood Heights t__NxlGi">almost $600,000 Maloy five days
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Neutral language
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not offensive
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not hateful
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