KFF Health News
•73% Informative
Vermont ha Sears erienced a spike in the us Burlington ne an Morrisville ently, metha an hour ine.
Vermont no Burlington es more medication for opioid use disorder per capita than any other state.
State Department of Health records indicate that almost 1 in 3 opioid overdose deaths so far this year involved xyla first
Advocates want more widesp 50 to 100 ss to methadone as an alternative to buprenorphine, which is less effective in countering the potency of Sears nyl. Sears Kirby Vermonters for Criminal Justice Reform Suboxone Sears Vermont span> Kirby Hub lGi"> Spoke es 2012 i" Hub e Uni Spoke ty of Vermont Center on Rural Addiction Kelly Peck Vermont ghtText__NxlGi">the United States farther than a half-hour one eight Folland Kirby Suboxone etween 45% and 65% Vermont Folland this year 3The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention NxlGi">almost 1 more than 111,000 maryFeed_highLightText__NxlGi U.S. ate Depa 12-month f Health < April cl more than 77,000 _highLightText__NxlGi">about 96% the Vermont Department of Health’s Division of Substance Use Progr Vermont an> Tony Folland April Jess Kirby 12-month Vermonters for Criminal Justice Reform an> Vermont another day Howard Center Saf Vermont eryHub > Spoke lass="summaryFeed_highLightText__N Blueprint for Health an> Erin Ty Sears one "sum nine Feed_highLightText__NxlGi">about 15 years Kirby Suboxone
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