ABC News
•80% Informative
Brando Williamson its all fiv Pelicans 3-poi 129 rs and leads Pacific Division cans to 1 Kings Brandon Ingram .
Zion five iamson s 3 ores 26 points on 12-for-16 shootin 31 to power Peli Zion Williamson .
Harrison Barnes scored 16 po 26 ts and De’A 12 on Fox 14 for Sacramento.
Pe New Orleans Pelicans oring 129 burst spanning second Sacramento quarters to build NEW ORLEANS .
Brandon Ingram again We five day nigh 3 in New Orleans. 31 Feed_highLigh Zion Williamson ttps:// 26 12 summaryFeed_highLightText__Nxl New Orleans a Pelicans n clas 129 summaryFeed_highLight Sacramento i">APMonday night ass="s Pelicans ed_highLi 47 tText__NxlGi">New O the second quarter an class="su 44 aryFeed_highLightText__NxlGi"> the second and third quarters class="summa 87 Feed_highL Harrison Barnes ">New Or 16 ans De’Aaron Fox 14 mmary Pacific Division xt__NxlGi Sacramento on Fox pan> Donatus Sabonis ummaryFeed_highLight 10 xt__NxlGi 10 36 18 n class="su the second quarter tText__NxlG 8 ">50< 11 pan> Pelicans s="summaryFeed_highLightText__NxlGi"> 66-53 Ingram yFeed_highLightText__NxlGi Williamson t half 26Sacramento n class="summaryFeed_highLightText_ Williamson .8%eight span class="summaryFeed_highLightT 22 t__NxlGi">New Orleans four an> 65
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