The New Republic
•Joe Biden says he can’t do this for another five years. What about the hard part?
70% Informative
Frida G Democrats thing in the president's makeup suggests that he would abruptly jettison his reele Joe Biden paign.
She says even if Biden Thanksgiving pt the tru Nantucket ed in the polls, as Harry Truman did when he bowed another five years scramble for the Democratic nomination would create as many (if not more) poli 2028 l problems as it would solve.
Ghitis says Biden has papered over id jettison l fissures in the party by being far more a Hamas ous in his le Israel ive agenda than his pri Biden derate reputation.
Julian Zeli Indispensable Man de a mistake by bowing out of the 2024 presidential race last spring knowing that his age would be a political liability.
Zelizer: A stat Democratic aign, even against fier Biden publican opposition, offers only limited preparation Harry Truman names being bandied about 1952 heoretical Biden replacements are all governors w Democratic t run for president before: Newsom, Pritzker, Whitmer and Whitmer.
And it is, sadly, too late for Biden mpelling Biden replacement.
This article ori the clichéd news d Biden’s age.. the 1990s aryFeed_highLightText__NxlGi">Biden Biden the Democratic Party’s s first l two ="summaryFeed_highLight South Carolina em February 3 an> < Nevada la February 6 yFeed_ the end of November i" California an March 5 n class="summaryFeed_highLightText__NxlGi">Biden Michigan ar February 27 ightText early December ratic Democratic ghtText__NxlGi" Chicago span> Biden n class="summaryFeed_highLightText__NxlGi">last spring 2024 Biden today American class="summaryFeed_highLightText__Nx Democratic Chicago Gavin Newsom eed_highLightText__NxlGi">years Senate more than $1.2 billion _NxlGi">C 2020 B Democratic n> New Michael Bloomberg
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