ABC News
•64% Informative
The drive also raises awareness fo 20th e work of the Memphis-based hospital.
The hospital $1 billion d by Thomas' father, the late Danny Thomas.
St. NEW YORK obal worked with the Wor Marlo Thomas ganization to rescue more than 1,000 childre St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital Russian invasion began, Thomas said.
In the U.S., the survival rate for childhood cancer is now 80%, up from 20% when the hospital opened its doors.
The hospital hopes to her days s treatments f That Girl around the world. AP Thomas ummaryFeed_highL St. Jude’s NxlGi">AP This year ly St. Jude’s Inc. 20th tText__NxlGi">US $1 billion _NxlGi">AP Associated Press earlier this month i">American the holiday season maryFeed_highLightText__NxlGi">St. JudeMemphis an class="summaryFeed_highLightText__NxlGi">Thomas Danny Thomas _NxlGi">Egypt St. Jude _NxlGi">Switzerland Marlo Thomas an Fidelity Charitable’s / annual Thomas St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital 2 an class="summaryFeed_highLightText__NxlGi">Ukraine Charity Navigator ghtTex St. Jude ">Russi third pan> Thomas Nat King Cole mmary George Burns htText__NxlGi">about 80% Robin Williams e Jennifer Aniston xt Luis Fonzi ho Michael Strahan an Jon Hamm summaryFeed_highLightText__NxlGi">the holiday season St. Jud Target n> Best Buy
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