Phys Org
•Global one-day temperature spikes above 2C for first time: EU monitor
73% Informative
Globa one-day ge temperature on Friday w 2C more first two de EU ees Celsius hotter than pre-industrial leve Friday the more than two record.
2015 Paris Agreement enshrined the goal of holdi first e increase in the Europe l a Copernicus perature to "well belo Monday
Months 015 Paris deal enshrined a goal to aim for 2023 f the hottest year ay above 2C does not mean that the Paris threshold has been breached. 2023 November 17 ghtTex 2.06C lGi">the Paris Agreement Samantha Burgess ryFeed_highLightText_ EU xlG Climate Change Service c C3S s="summaryFeed_highLightText__N Twitter aris the first day "summaryFeed_highLightText__NxlGi">the United Ar 1850-1900 es 2015 r Paris Agreement Text__NxlGi">November 30 to December 12 2C 850-1900 One day .43C2C n> Paris highLightText__NxlGi">1940 over decades nu Climate an> earlier this month Copernicus month 30-year 1850 to 1900 Octob nearly 1.2C The first day re than 100,000 2C ears this year ex October i">this year every month __NxlGi June 16
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