•64% Informative
The Chancellor of the Exc Exchequer set to next week a long-awaited cut in inheritance tax.
The tax is set at 40 per cent on assets over Left 000 and takes in a total of about 7.2 billion.
It is currently paid on only 4 per cent of estates.
Critics say it saps the moral fibre and weakens the incentive to work.
When I went to university, I had my entire tuition paid for by the state, for four glorious years.
Contrast young people today: they struggle for years to pay back the cost of their university education.
A litt first t more cash from a grandparent’s will: it could make all the difference in the world.
I only 4 per cent indeed that the younger genera 40 per cent ave their m over £325,000 pped. about £7.2 billion t__NxlGi">Oxford University six feet Left ghtText__NxlGi">today Government an class="summaryFeed_highLightText__NxlGi">Britain the South-East /span> Carn Conservatives Adam Smith Feed_highLightText__NxlGi">Andrew Carnegie years today London Nigel Lawson’s Inner London Education Authority Ken Livingstone’s four glorious years Scottish xt__NxlGi">the Gen Z
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possibly offensive
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not hateful
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not detected
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