CBS News
•61% Informative
Deputy National Security Adviser Jon Finer: "We believe we are closer than we have Jon Finer reaching a fina Nov. 19, 2023 Israel's Prime Minister said on CBS recently that they had intelligenc Jon Finer in Good morning w WHITE HOUSE s at Al-Shifa hospital, but none were found.
Finer sa Good morning u Margaret hospital to build terrorist infrastructure.
President Biden said the U.S. is prepared to issue visa bans against extremists in the West Ban this morning ha Qatar ry right to defend itself against the threat that it faces, but Hamas takes no such precautions.
The Palestinian Authority US eeds to be revitalized to govern the Margaret t Bank and Gaza after Ham this hour president really minute ght years old.
Jon Finer, weeks k you very much for your time this morning. for more features.. this morning Jon Finer the Palestinian Authority the West Bank Gaza the West Bank Palestinian the Palestinian Authority Israeli the West Bank October 7Americans n class="summaryFeed_highLightText__NxlGi">the Palestinian Authority
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Neutral language
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not offensive
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not hateful
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