•85% Informative
The way people Scientific Reports ring their waking hours strongly related to the content and characteristics of their dreams during sleep.
Dreams are most similar to thoughts that are unrelated to ongoing tasks (e.g. mind wandering), supporting the idea that our daytime experiences are psychologically intertwined with our dreams daytime t.
Previous research has drawn parallels between the content o night ams and waking thoughts.
Individuals that were more worried about the COVID-19 pandemic experienced more negative dreams.
This tendency was worsen for individuals who tend to ruminate, a maladaptive approach to dealing with one’s problems and worries.
The findings are in line with the Continuity Hypothesis of dreams, which posits there is a fundamental relationship between waking cognitive processes and dreaming. Jessica R. Andrews-Hanna Jamie O. Edgin Fre Quentin Raffaelli an> PhD pan class="summaryFeed_highLigh the Neuroscience of Emotion gavske the University of Arizona ightText__NxlGi">Eric S. Andrews one s="summaryFeed_highLightText__NxlGi">Quentin Raffaelli COVID-19 Chapter 8 Raffaelli Stickgold Zadra ‘When Brains Dream: Exploring the Science and Mystery of Sleep PsyPost Raffaelli On between ‘day-dreams ss="summaryFeed_highLightText__NxlGi">the Continuity Hypothesis the Continuity Hypothesis ">Raffaelli the Continuity Hypothesis COVID-19 PsyPost Raffaelli COVI 719 9 the University of Arizona’s class="summaryFeed_highLightText__NxlGi">one week Mind Window t__NxlGi">the day
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