

David Oyelowo talks playing the real man at the heart of Taylor Sheridan's buzzy new show 'Lawmen: Bass Reeves': 'I simply couldn't believe that this was a historical character'

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76% Informative

Lawmen: Bass Reeves is based on the true story of one of the first Black deputy U.S. marshals west of the Mississippi River.

Bass Reeves was born into slavery, Taylor Sheridan-produced and became a law e Lawmen me Bass Reeves

The series stars David Oyelo one who pla first s Black ves, and U.S. cutive produces th the Mississippi River ass Reeves is billed as an eight-part limited gig, part of an anthology se the Civil War wo hints that there's a chance we could see him riding a galloping horse or dodging a bullet in ano David Oyelowo

"One of the things that really affected me... the opening episode, that p Sheridan n house Yellowstone actual plantation where Bass Reeves people had been kept ba David Permut y," he says. 2014 >Paramount+ Oyelowo Yahoo Entertainment aryFeed_highLightText__NxlGi">Bass Reeves Lawmen decades Reeves Paramount Paramount+ ex Bass Reeves nother season< CBS an> 3.34 million >Oyelowo first n two ass="summaryFeed_highLi the 4.75 million eight Yellowstone highLightText__NxlGi">Bass Reeves< one an> the last few years 25 years 2020 d_highL Concrete Cowboy ">Oyelowo Idris Elba ass="s The Harder They Fall Text__ 2021 i">MommyJonathan Majors "s Regina King highL Elba Te Bass Reeves four Sidney Thompson span> Thompson >Jessica Oyelowo OyelowoOyelowo the day 80 Indians class="summaryFeed_highLightText__N Native Americans One 1 yFee 4 _highLightText__NxlGi">Oyel the day an> German German French French Nov. 5 ed_highLightTe Oyelowo Gi">Arkansas Reev Reeves an> Britain Oyelowo Oyelowo class="summaryFeed_highLightTe Martin Luther King Jr. n> Selma class="summaryFeed_highLightText__Nxl Nina Reeve Lincoln > American two 15 months Bass Reeves sec Oyelowo an> Lawmen _h Bass Reeves t__NxlGi">Bass Donald Sutherland >1 Barry Pepper an> Dennis Quaid "summaryFeed_highLightText__NxlGi">Oyelowo Bass Reeves ummaryFeed_highLightText__NxlGi">Bass Reeves

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