Global News
•71% Informative
A new study from one of Canada’s premier Alberta e labs says methane emissions from Albert nearly 50 per cent are underestimated by nearly 50 one r ce Canada The study combined several different mea Carleton University’s Energy and Emissions Research Lab to be about 80 times more potent than carbon dioxide in the first 20 years after its release.
Alberta's methane emissions were o British Columbia ted to equal 15 megatonnes of carbon dioxide a year, according to the Matthew Johnson here’s all kinds of data here the government can mine,” he said. “(Emissions targets) for 2030 are entirely doab Johnson only if we commit to measuring and tracking our progres Nature Communications Earth : Airdrie doctor calls on medical profession to speak out about hospital raids - Charge against Calgary pro-Pa about 80 protester stayed - Debt refinancing a shad the first 20 years t: Alberta finance minister - Palestinian-Canadian doctor who previously lost 3 daughters now grieve the United Nations Environment Program pan class="summaryFeed_highLightText__NxlGi">Gaza first lGi">21 3 Canadian Palestinia 3,500 an> 5,600 __NxlGi">Alberta Calgary Alberta ss="summaryFeed_ 50 per cent xt__NxlGi">2030 Johnson htTex 2021 xl Alberta nson 15 ">Accurate a year aryFeed_highLightText__NxlGi">Canadathree million s="summaryFeed_highL the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency > Johnson ss="summaryFeed_highLightText__NxlGi">Alberta< Alberta 4.5 million lGi">Ottawa Johnson only a tenth about a quarter Text__NxlGi">0.2 percent three per cent maryFeed_highLightText__NxlGi">Johnson 45 Johnson ntJohnson an class="summaryFeed_highLightText__NxlGi">Alberta British Columbia four U.S. Saskatchewan Light British Columbia ut 1.7 Lisa Baiton rta
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