The Hill
•72% Informative
The Marq Biden Law Sch Nikki Haley und 10 ley with 55 percent to Biden’s 45 percent in a hypothetical match-up.
A Thursday is The Marquette Law School d have suppo Haley om 96 55 percent Rep Biden’s s 45 percent den would only have 85 percent of Democrats.
Haley has been gaining momentum for months Biden several strong debate Trump rman Florida she ha Ron DeSantis he polls. Biden ighL 4 ghtText__ 52 percent span 48 percent lass=" DeSantis eed_highLigh 2 Text__Nxl 51 percent pan> 49 percent ass="summaryFeed_highLightText__NxlGi">668 Haley Text__NxlGi"> United Nations pan class="summaryFeed_ South Carolina _NxlGi">Nov. 2-7< Biden > 12 mmaryFeed_highLight DeSantis lGi">6 percent 2 ss="summa Pollsters ghLightText__NxlGi">September Haley n class="summaryFeed_high 96 percent _Nxl Republicans span> < Biden class="summaryFee 85 percent tTex Democrats >12 percent two ext__N 15 percent y and DeSantis< Democrats span class="summaryFeed_h Haley ghtTex Biden lG Haley percent Biden ry Trump highL DeSantis __NxlGi">Republican Trump 38 percent an class="summaryFeed_highLightText_ 31 percent rquette more than 30 percent t__NxlGi">Trump Biden i">DeSantis 40 percent mmaryFeed_highLightT 59 percent "> Haley rcent months d_highLightText__NxlGi">Trump 18 percentDeSantis n cla second mmaryFeed_highLightText__NxlGi">Thursday second _highLightText__NxlGi">New Hampshire
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