MMA Junkie

MMA Junkie

Tom Aspinall calls for Jon Jones to be stripped of UFC heavyweight title: 'I should be the real champion'

MMA Junkie
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Jon Aspinall covering from a p Jon Jones ear and should've been for the v UFC nt belt.

Asinall says he should've fought for the title for the 69-second belt.

Jones Sergei Pavlovich s this past Saturday in UFC 295 n ev New York FC 295 in New York. Aspinall Te 14-3 NxlGi" 7 Jon Jones Pavlovich e UFC ext__NxlGi">Stip Jones an> 2024 St Aspinall n> a years Jones gh 27 ext__Nxl 21 ">three years Jon Jones yFeed_highLightText__NxlGi">Jones 42 years old Aspinall ass="s Michael Bisping LightText__NxlGi">four years Jon Jones Stipe Jon Jones eed_h Stipe ghtText__NxlGi">Aspinall Miocic Jones Stipe n class="summaryFeed_highL Jon Jones _NxlGi">Jones Miocic Jon Jones Feed_highLightText__NxlGi">Aspinall Stipe hig Jones tText Miocic i">UFC UFC 295 __NxlGi">MiocicJones Aspinall a later date ="summaryFeed_highLightText__NxlGi">last-minute