CBS News

CBS News

Court orders Balance of Nature to stop sales of supplements after FDA lawsuits

CBS News
Nutrition label

81% Informative

Federal court orders Balance of Balance of Nature oducing and selling dietary supplements.

FDA says two Utah-ba this week nies hav the Food and Drug Administration ow they made two Utah eted their supplements.

Balance will now need to hire outside experts to audit the companies before resuming FDA es.

The FDA says the compa Balance of Nature, Evig LLC al warnings ab Lex Howard epping limits in what they could claim about diseases their supplements could cure or prevent. Defendants' Establishment Premium Productions pan> Ryan Petersen _highLightText__NxlGi">the Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act years Premium Production LLC t__NxlGi">Balance of Nature FDA the Council of Better Busi Michael Rogers sp FDA 2017 Thursday ee Balance of Nature NxlGi">Sebastian Gorka America First Kevin McCullough Radio The Joe Piscopo Show Around 85% _hig Balance of Nature ">FDA Utah NxlGi" FDA C Pennsylvania ed_h California xt__NxlGi">Balance of Nature 2020 FDA >year Justice Department ass="summaryFeed_high Evig tText__NxlG dozens million Balance of Nature ightText__NxlGi">Balance of Nature Utah Russian Gi">Evig California the summer the two years ghLightText__NxlGi">Balance of Nature FDA FDA maryFeed_highLightText__NxlGi">Balance of Nature three Evig i">FDA Defendant Premium FDA pan> Premium Productions n class="summaryFeed_highLightText__NxlGi">California Wisconsin Illinois FDA Utah Around 95% ext__NxlGi">Balance of Nature