IEEE Spectrum
•84% Informative
A robotic hand with working ligaments and One ndons can now be 3D-printed in one run.
A new 3D inkjet-printing technique can print rigid and elastic materials at the same time in high resolution.
The new work i one he result creepy ollaboration between ETH Zurich in Switzerland and a Massachusetts Institute of Technology spin-out called Inkbit.
All of the functional parts of the robotic hand, apart from the servos and pressure sensors, were produced in a sin ETH Zurich ng j Switzerland e wor a Massachusetts Institute of Technology r of materials th Inkbit printer ca Medford
Mass. esearchers also created a six-legged robot with a gripper that was able to walk back and forth and pick up a box of Tic-Tacs. Nature d_highLightText__NxlGi">Signal first n> 611B ABB8 six i">PGP Twitter Indi first an> Bengaluru Thomas Buchner NxlG Ph.D. d GentETH Zurich lass= first aryFeed_highLightText__NxlGi">Katzschmann Future 2.3 oneharden an class="summaryFeed_highLightText__NxlGi">Tic-Tacs six Katzschmann one 660 only 2 centimeters ETH Zurich Robert Katzschmann one harden a number of years ">ETH Zurich Robert Katzschmann
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