KFF Health News

KFF Health News

30 percent of the $3 trillion we spend on health care annually goes to low-value care

KFF Health News
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70% Informative

As much as 30 percent of the $ Take Wegovy we spend on health care annually goes to such low-val last week David Gergen says.

Gergen: The fee-for-servic just 10 percent rew Medicare tors for providing more care rather than the right care.

He says elimin nearly $27 billion services is the only viable way to pay for medical advances such as new drug One ike Wegovy. billions of dollars tText__NxlGi">a month As much as 30 percent $3 trillion aryFeed_highLightText__Nx annually icare seven 10 years $5 billion Medicare Fendrick Democratic the United States > Several years ago the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force only about eight Colorado ">Fendrick Section 4105$134 million ss="summaryFeed_highLigh 2021 t__NxlGi">Wegovy Choosing Wisely i">Fendrick Los Angeles CT Children’s Hospital Colorado the University of Michigan Center for Value-Based Insurance DesignMark Fendrick