Advance Market Analytics
•3D Glass research Current Scenario, Investment Feasibility & Demand-Supply Data
77% Informative
In China 30 million pieces of 3D glass were needed as 3D cover glass finds its largest application in a smartphone and hence increasing the industry.
This growth is primarily driven by Growing Number of Applications in various End-User Industries and Increasing Number of SmartPhones Globally.
Growing application of these glasses such as in wearable devices and also finds small application in head-mounted VR devices.
The market is highly comp China v 30 million ew players occupying the major share.
To end this, Analysts at AMA organize and took surveys of the 3D Glass industry Vendors. Th |Attributes||Details| serves as a basis for understanding why and how the industry can be expec |Key to change. Where 3D Glass industry China adi Henan Comyoung Electronics io China s. Lens Technology aw China m f Shenzhen O-film Tech ur China an CPT Technology (Group) Co Ltd ve China in Zhejiang Firstar Panel Technology Co., Ltd (China se Triumph Science & Technology Co Ltd em China g c JiangXi Holitech Technology Co., Ltd (China tha G-TECH Optoelectronics Corporation va Taiwan ey cur Corning Inc m or capture the new addressable opportunity.. V End-User Industries and Increasing Number of LightText__NxlGi">AMA Globally span class="summaryFeed_highLightText__ Rising Trend of Curved rket Certain Applications Major Vendors Text__NxlG Biel Crystal rf China ce Henan Comyoung Electronics c China "su Lens Technology ig China t__ Shenzhen O-film Tech et China try CPT Technology (Group) Co Ltd cl China sum Zhejiang Firstar Panel Technology Co., Ltd (China et Triumph Science & Technology Co Ltd la China umm JiangXi Holitech Technology Co., Ltd (China /sp G-TECH Optoelectronics Corporation Li Taiwan t__Nxl Corning Inc United States class="summaryFeed_highLightText__NxlGi">AMA Research three the upcoming years ryFee Glass hLightText__NxlGi">3D Technology Opportunities End-User Industries and Increasing Number of Glass 5 Certain Applications and Adoption Rising Trend of Curved Corning Gorilla Glass Corning Incorporated July 2020 IP August 2020 Fe BASF ighLightText__NxlG XSTRAND s Corning
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