•74% Informative
Inside Housing 1 s Build S 1 cial campaign i Inside Housing’s Build Social 100,000 social rent homes a UK ar.
But 100,000 h would it cost? Wh a year ld the economic impact be? And can the country afford it? Peter Apps reports for Inside Housing' Peter Apps ousing campaign.
Social Michael Parkin is a countercyclical tool to keep industry moving in a downturn.
The rents charged will, over time, generate a surplus and pay back the money spent on building it.
A report by Capital Economics said a the past decade uilding 100,000 social rented homes per year would result in the country being 900bn wealthier by 2065-66.
This sum is equivalent to four-fifths of current spending on the NHS.
Political pressure is ra last year’s t for investment in soci Inside Housing’s Build Social ays Shelter Scotland’s Mr MacRae.
He adds 100,000 e 25% cut to the soci a year sing budget UK st year shows that despite its ambitious target of 110,000 homes in 10 years, the Scottish government does not appreciate the value of social rented housing. 2,537bn "sum the end of the last financial year ide more than 100% > first ryFeed_highL 1961 Text__NxlGi Conservatives > Labour ass="summaryFeed_highLightText__NxlGi">a year 4,000 Scotland a year 7,700 England the next decade One ass="summaryF London ghLightText__NxlGi">a year 400,000 ext__NxlGi">90, about 70% > 80,000 two 100,000 maryFeed_highL a year xt__NxlGi">Mr MacRae Scotland one Affordable Homes Programmes England Build Social Ian Mulheirn xt__NxlGi">Sovereign Network Group the Resolution Foundation d_highLightText__NxlGi">Jamie Ratcliff First LightText__NxlGi">a year 90,000 five-year three to the New Economics Foundation gh NEF htT England lGi">Tr 9.75bn last year xlGi">72bn57.7bn pan cl the next five eed_highLightText__NxlGi">the end of the day Mulheirn One 69% hLightText__NxlGi">Mini Budget 30 years lass=" 110% aryFeed_ 60 years tText__NxlGi">Liz Truss 1.6bn i annually pan> Treasury London d_highLightText__NxlGi">30 to 40 years first eight years Inside Housing this month ed_highLightText_ University College London n> 4bn g annually xt__NxlGi">England the National He 1.5bn Service four-fifths 2065-66 900bn 100,000 Shout the National Federation of ALMOs Wolfson Prize A New Economic Case for Social Housing __Nx 2020 >Capital EconomicsShelter Scotland summaryFeed_highLightText__NxlGi">2015< 2.2bn > the 12bn ersity of Glasgow the UK Collaborative Centre for Housing Evidence Ken Gibb European 2014One Scotland Buy 2020 Shelter Scotland Mulheirn rdon MacRae Homes for the North Torus Steve Coffey 1.6bn Feed_highLightText__NxlGi">2.2bn annually 12b 9.75bn n>
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