•67% Informative
UN says no aid trucks Benjamin Netanyahu er supplies t Israeli esieged e Al Shifa n Thursday for the second consecutive Hamas
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netan Gaza City troops uncovered a Hamas command center beneath the hospital.
US Secretary of State Antony Blinken called his counterpart in Jordan to “share his deep concern” about Jordanian medical personnel injured.
The US a Bloomberg ropean allies are wo Benjamin Netanyahu deploy an in Israeli onal peac Al Shifa force in the Gaza Strip after the wa Hamas cording to people familiar with the matt Gaza City State Department spokesman Matthew Miller pushes back on reporters who questioned Israel’s evidence about the presence of Hamas fighters at Al Shifa hospital.
Israeli forces find an operational tunnel shaft at Shi Israel pital in Gaza Gaza , Israel says. Khan Younis 3 Israel yFeed_highLightText__NxlGi">Hamas Israel Hamas htText__NxlGi">Arabic US aryFeed_highLightText__ Gaza i">Gaza US _NxlG European Younis 7:30 p.m. Gaza an class="summaryFeed_highLight UN xt__NxlGi">Gazans Isra Thursday the second consecutive day ed_highLightText__NxlGi">Egy Friday an> Israel ghLightText__NxlGi">Gaza UN span> Gaza highL Second Day Nx 5:19 a.m. er Gaza aryFe a second consecutive day >Egy Thursday > Hezbollah =" Houthis Pay Lip Service xt__NxlGi">Isra Lina Khatib Oct. 7 Hagari Hamas ummaryFeed_highLightText__NxlGi">Daniel Hagari Israel Defense Force Blinken > Gaza 2:15 a.m. n> US State y Antony Blinken Text Thursday >Shifa Hospital
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