•76% Informative
More than 50 million people i Mongolia Africa, Agvaantogtokh st and elsewhere practice pastoralism.
Pastoralism has sustained populations for millennia, thousand faces pressures from shrinking rangelands.
Mong Nurmaa s known for pastoralism, with pastoralists moving with animals to fi Thousands of miles nd water. Senegal en Amadou Altine Ndiaye's iaye's family led livestock through a s African frican savannah in sweltering heat.
A four head of cattle can provide enough money to get married, buy rice or emigrate.
In Mongolia, Lkhaebum's family has a solar-powered battery that runs a television and washing machine.
The biggest threat to pas Ndiaye sm 48 omes from with the Muslim Fulani eneration chooses other paths. at least oneMore than 50 million mmaryFeed_h Asia ig Africa __ the Middle East one 2-year-old 20 Houraye 28 seven Ndiaye Four Nurmaa 18-year-old Agvaantogtokh Nurmaa Senegal Mongolia Ancient Mongolia ">Ndiaye Mongolia 80 million hLightText__NxlGi">more than six Senegal < Agvaantogtokh ummaryFeed_highLightText__NxlGi">Ndiaye Meals Agvaantogtokh diaye 16-day 170-kilometer Moussa Ifra Ba Agvaantogtokh pan> earlier this year the rainy season Mongolia Senegal Agvaantogtokh xlGi">Sahara Herding Mongolia hLightTe 1940 NxlGi">year 2.2 degrees >Year Mongolia NxlGi">Nurmaa winters d_highLightText__NxlGi">morning Agvaantogtokh hLightText__NxlGi">400 winter
VR Score
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Neutral language
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not offensive
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not hateful
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