Yahoo Finance
•80% Informative
Environmental lobby groups Reuters anks and other financiers to withdraw support of TotalEnergies' TotalEnergies iq $20 billion ral gas terminal in Moza LNG que.
Activis Mozambique e project may worsen climate change and fuel human righ more than two dozen ench energy company Friday paring to relaunch Afr Reuters argest foreign direct investment proje French pan class="summaryFeed_highLightText__NxlGi Africa ne Hardcastle Olivia Kumwenda Tim Cocks African class="summaryFeed_highLightText__NxlGi">Tokyo Yuka Obayashi more than 100 Paris ActionAid International ext__ Greenpeace France ellinLast month n class="summaryFee Netherlands Text__NxlGi">Johannesburg Nellie Peyton 1 billion euro ma $1.06 billion ghtText__NxlGi">Amsterdam April 2021 _h TotalEnergies _NxlGi">Toby Friday ng Wendell Roelf 2021 ed_hig Islamist xt__NxlGi">earlier this month Reuters 2020 an> eight xt__NxlGi">Reta Jo Lewis< 19 pan> the African Development Bank i">Mozamb Some $15 billion $5 billion U.S. South Africa's i Export Credit Insurance Corporation early next year >Ntshengedzeni Maphula
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