

AI is coming for our jobs! Could universal basic income be the solution?

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A guaranteed income for all has been floating around for centuries, centuries larity ebbing and flowing with the passing tide of current events.

But proponents of a universal basic income (UBI) no longer see it as a solution to poverty but as the answer to some of the biggest threats faced by modern workers: wage inequality, job insecurity and the looming possibility of AI-induced job losses.

A government-backed UBI programme must be shown AI be truly beneficial Elon Musk ing seriously co Bletchley Park r countries where automation is a greater concern, Rosanna Merola has c AI sidered a robot tax.

She described the possibility of taxing companies that replace Karl Widerquist bots in order to fund a UBI a Georgetown University-Qatar ’, if currently unrealistic. AI class="summaryFeed_highLightText__NxlGi">UBI AI Chrisp Widerquist xlGi">Will Stronge AI tText__NxlGi">UBI UBI Chrisp UBI UBI ummaryFeed_highLightTex AI _NxlGi">AI UBI the University of Bath’s Universal Income Beacon Widerquist span class="summaryFeed_highLightText UBI xlGi">Joe Chrisp AI AI hLightText__NxlGi">AI Scott Santens Feed_highLightText__ Basic Income pan> one ryFe two highLightText__NxlGi">Merola AI UBI UBI __NxlGi">Merola Loek Groot LightText__NxlGi">2022 Utrecht University >the International Labour Groot ization Netherlands i between 2017 and 2019 osanna Merola UBI Suri Suri UBI tText__NxlGi">one Kenya Groot /span> 20% Massachusetts Institute of Technology Widerquist i">GiveDirectly Tavneet Suri 12 years their working hours ightText Groot Gi">GiveDirectly 2017 about 75 cents almost 5,000 Kenya