Yahoo Sports Canada
•58% Informative
The Town of Aurora unveiled a new Little Free Art Gallery Aurora A This fall io the Town of Aurora ll.
It foll Culture Days ess of a Little Free Gallery at Town Park, w the Aurora Seniors’ Centre asterpieces from local artists that are free to take.
T Town Park s based on the Little Free Library concept where people can leave or take a book.
There are few restrictions on the type of art, and the medium, but the “most important thing is the art is Aurora Seniors’ Centre’s Art Drop-In Group "summaryFeed_highLightText__NxlGi">Auroran Brock Weir, Loc first urnalism Initiative Phil Rose /span> Cultural Services ed_highLightText__NxlGi">this sprin Working Group an class="s Clarissa M. Lewis ghtText__NxlGi">Town Park Art Collective tText__N Nichole Campsall Cultural Development Coordinator htText__NxlGi">third the Little Free Library Centre last week first e Seniors’ Centre Town Park p last September aryFeed_high Culture Days xlGi">Glen Sharp Campsall Sharing Campsall Dustin Cutt the Seniors’ Centre ghLightText__NxlGi">Aurora’s Joint Operati Dave Dixon
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