The Atlantic
•Trump Crosses a Crucial Line
66% Informative
Frida Ghitis: Donald The Atlantic Daily ave called him a fascist.
She says he was a wannabe caudillo the day in American strongman who cared little about what people believed so long as they feared him and left him in power.
years is argues that fascism has a distinct meaning, and denotes a form of government that Americans undemocratic.
Frida Ghitis: Donald Trump crossed a line that separates authoritarian First er from rec three able fascism.
She sa Atlantic ve The Decisive Outrage Readers of the Daily e part of the public’s eardrums that could process such words.
Ghitis says it's possible that Trump has little idea of what he's saying, but the people around him know what he means.
He says the mistake of overreaction and complacency has aided Trump in his efforts to subvert American democracy.
CNN poll shows Nikki Haley has moved into second place, behind Donald Trump, in New Hamp 9/11 e.
Atlantic Intelligence: Don't be fooled by the AI apo Donald Trump’s o Wong argues.
Time-Travel Thursdays chronicle nearly two centuries of change in America, Adrienne LaFrance writes. Benito Mussolini htText__NxlGi">Atlantic Saturday s="summaryFeed_highLightText__NxlGi">Europe GOP American one an class="summaryFeed_hi Trump htText__NxlGi">Trump Today 2 one the years Americans communists Li Marxists _NxlGi">American Christianit Veterans Day pan class="summaryFeed_highLightText__NxlGi"> communists e Marxists nt Trump Mussolini Trump
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possibly hateful
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