Phys Org

Phys Org

Removing cesium: Solutions to a chemically complex problem

Phys Org
Nutrition label

81% Informative

Cesium-137 is a byproduct of making plutonium, a necessar Fifty-six million gallons production.

The type of gamma radiation it emits can penetr the Hanford Site human body and even through steel, making it too dangerous for workers to operate and m first in the processing te the Cold War d to make low-ac Today y the Hanford Site s of today, s one f at Hanford have removed cesium from more than 697,000 gallons of tank waste.

Hanford Vit Plant will use vitrification technology to mix pretreated waste with glass-forming materials, heat it to over 1,150C in a high-temperature melter and pour the molten glass into lar Reid Peterson els where it cools and Pacific Northwest National Laboratory Pr PNNL atm Peterson vital step nearly three decades . Department of Energy ded by Office of Environment Management atory control benzene the Robert E. Wi Savannah River Site the AIChE Nuclear Engineering Division Peterson 29 year one go cesium-137 __NxlGi">TSRC more than 697,000 gallons 2025 the Waste Treatment and Immobilization Plant The Hanford Vit Plant 6-foot first Peterson two Peterson Peterson ass="summaryFeed_highLightText__NxlGi" today 000 gallons PNNL maryFeed_hi Hanford Text__NxlGi">Before the Ha more than 697,000 gallons over 1,150Hanford pan class="summaryFeed_highLightText__NxlGi">Han 2008 Peterson span class="summaryFeed_hi PNNL ghtText__NxlGi">5 gallons 24/7 January 2022 Hanford three short years later ve Waste Test Platform Fukushima Daiichi ctive Waste Test Platfor Japan an> the Hanford Site days ext__NxlGi">PNNL DC lass="summaryFeed_highLightText__NxlGi">Peterson Peterson ass="summaryFeed_highLightT Fukushima i">Peterson the Tank-Side Cesium Removal the Hanford Site DOE yFeed_highLightText__N 2011 ">Peterson Fukushima ummaryFeed_highLightText__NxlGi">five gallons the Savannah River Site NxlGi">RemovingHanford

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