

Here are Gizmodo’s favorite Lego sets of the year

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Lego’s “Modular Buildings” series lets diehard Lego collectors build their own customized city streets of theaters, apartments, restaurants, and more.

Earlier this year, Lego brought Lego its Lord of the Rings range in a big way, with a massiv 2023 plica of the House of Elrond itself from the year hip of the Ring.

Lego went all out for its 100th anniversary this year with a ton of special sets across scopes and price.

Lego has do Gizmodo y X 2023 g display kits many times befo Lego but Modular Buildings to the UCS series is by far Lego best and most accurate.

The biggest Lego Marvel set of the year is coming on November 24 in this 5,200-piece tribute to Earth’s Mightiest Heroes.

Batman Returns’ Batcave comes to life in the holidays h fo December 1 ng it the ultimate display. Museum eed_highLightText__NxlGi">Lego 300 xt__NxlGi">500< Lego n> Lego aryFeed_highLightText__NxlGi">Kevin Feige Marvel Studios Ideas n class="summaryFeed_highLightText__NxlGi">Avengers sci-fi /span> Avengers Tower 50 class="summaryF Lego highLightText__Nx Earlier this year an Lego span class="summaryFeed_highLi Rings xt__NxlGi">Earth 5 the House of Elrond class="summaryFeed_highLightText__NxlGi">November 24 tons tText__NxlGi">the year Elven ">Lego Marvel 9 ghtText__NxlGi">Lego 500 s="summaryFeed_ Lego LightText__NxlGi" Lego /span> Brickheadz ed_highLightText__NxlGi">40 Marion 40th xlGi">Indy Jedi mmaryFeed_highLightText__NxlGi">Belloq Alliance class="summaryFeed_highLig 40 Text__NxlGi">In Lego span> Pac-Man 150 display Lego < Lego class="summaryFeed_high fun than one xlGi">110 100 s Retro-Game "summaryFeed_highLightText__NxlGi">Electro 270 ass="summaryFee Lego ghLightText__NxlGi">Green Lego lin Doc Ock Ned Spider-Men Andrew Bowser eld Tobey Maguire Nintendo _NxlGi">Tom Holland Mario Wonder ighLightTe 60 __NxlGi">the St Lego of Liberty’s Lego eed_highLightText__NxlGi">Spider-Man: No Way Home’s Marvel Lego Lego Spider-Man 16 this year 200 tText__NxlGi">B Lego Fett Lego Star Wars Text__NxlGi">Darth Vader the Millennium Falcon Lego Darth Vader’s ryFeed_highLightText__NxlGi">400 Batman < Lego class="summaryFeed_h One LightText__NxlG 70 >Batman Lego an class="summary Lego _highLightText__Nx Disney etu 100th Batcavethis year class=" a ton ryFeed_highLightText__NxlGi">Lego Walt Disney 5 Gh Disney Villain n> Disney Rider four summaryFeed_highLightText__NxlGi">Marvel a few years 130 hLightText__Nxl Lego Lego Lego aryFeed_highLightText__NxlGi">Lego one 0Jurassic Park lass="summaryFeed_hi first htText Alan lGi">2021one 50 one80 n> Lego mmaryFeed_highLig Lego xt__NxlGi">S-Foils UCS

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