•tripleS' LOVElution like to watch TikTok challenges, ASMR, and videos about optimistic nihilism
64% Informative
LOVElution is K-pop's eight decentraliz LOVElution oup in which its 24 members first e U.S. ng unit Nien d projects as determined by fan voting.
The eigh Chicago rs of tripleS are back in Seoul after their Authentic U.S. tour.
Nien's favorite was a gooey cheese pull on a slice of Chicago deep-dish pizza.
Yubin Hyerin, Dahyun Dahyou an night de shared their favorite dance videos on TikTok. Chicago said they ofte one atch videos in other Xinyu ag Sohyun he Dahyun m learn Seoyeon ou Yubin l Kaede ge.
Hyerin ien said she's a fan of ASMR content si Authentic a U.S. elementary school.
Nien: I watch all the contents from triple Dahyun LOVElution pretty m the Georgia Aquarium yun: Atlanta huge fan of rock music. I like Alice in Chains an States ana.
Xinyu: My fav first musical genre would be R&B.
Hyerin: I love watching programs that are r Kaede d to food. these days Hyerin Seoul n class="summaryFeed_highLightText__NxlGi">NIKI Xinyu first s="summaryFeed_highLightText__NxlGi">R& 24 /span> R&B R&B Seoyeon highLightText__NxlGi">R&B< 6 hours Just six hours mar Xinyu _highLightText__NxlGi">Xinyu Xinyu d_highLi about "10 hours >acoustic Xinyu Xinyu Cruella Sohyun maryFeed_highLightText__NxlGi">Xinyu four hours _NxlGi">Xinyu Nirvana Chains YouTube ex Sohyun Gi">Alice LOVElution ass="summaryFeed_highLightText__NxlGi">MTV Chains Alice TikTok n class="summaryFeed_highLig MTV Unplugged ">YouTube LOVElution eed_highLightText__N Seoyeon
Mashable n> Lee Young-ji's h YouTube xt__NxlGi">LOVElution Seoyeon ext__NxlGi"> Gen Z en Stewart Twilight Kristen Stewart Sohyun
Sohyun Seoyeon Nien LOVElution Seoyeon /span> first Nien first Korean Dust Creamy Rose Kaede three or four YouTube one day second YouTuber hLightText__NxlGi">2017 Dahyun ASMR ASMR Dahyun Kaede Hyerin class="summaryFeed_highLightText__NxlGi">Dahyun Kaede Dahyun Kaede Smoke Kaede
Kaede Hyerin i Hyerin t__NxlGi">Yubin Doja Cat's xt Paint the Town Red an> < Le Sserafim's ummaryFeed_high Hyerin ext__NxlGi">Yubin Chinese Chinese TikTok highLightText__NxlGi">Yubin Yubin Baby KittyHyerin an class="summaryFeed_highLightText__NxlGi">One Hyerin
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