•68% Informative
Covenant Eyes, based in Michig House arkets itself as a tool for use Mike Johnson ngaging with online pornography.
It was founded by Ron DeHaas, who lost his family in a car accident in 1992, but remarried in 1993 and now has five ch Christian d Republican hildren.
2022 company's website notes that its name derives from a biblical quote from the Book of Job, and Jack vides resources to churches and ministries.
Newsweek approached Covenant Eyes with questions about its security precaut Johnson Modern browsers and websites with a padlock logo next t Covenant Eyes ow use encrypted tunnels for ac two decades ago Some contest security claims made by VPN providers, as well as modern browsers with padlock logos using encrypted tunnels. Click AI Johnson NxlGi">Newsweek U.S. London Newsweek U.S. third /span> Phillips Aleks Newsweek xlGi">English What Is Covenant Eyes ty Owosso cl Michigan ma Covenant Eyes ghtText__NxlGi">the Jewish Chronicle over 100 million ghtText__NxlGi">Druggist Chemist Ron DeHaas span class="summa Ohio State University _NxlG the University of Michigan > 1992 023 1993 ="summaryFeed five hLightText__Nx 10 i">Newsweek U.S. Covenant Eyes class="summaryFeed_highLightText__NxlGi">London Newsweek U.S. News Presbyterian eed_highLightText__NxlGi">Aleks Phillips The Community Church htTe Owosso lGi">Newsweek Newsweek 1995 ghtText__NxlGi">Uncommon Knowledge Covenant Eyes "summaryFeed_highLightText__NxlGi">Monday the Book of Job i">Covenant Eyes Newsweek Newsweek htText__NxlG Covenant Eyes yes Monday xlGi">Apple Breidis every single minute Newsweek Marijus Briedis Covenant Eyes second IP Covenant Eyes 30 days Android class="summaryFeed_highLightText__NxlGi">256 < Safari lass="summaryFee Covenant Eyes xt__NxlGi">Advanced Encryption Standard AES
VR Score
Informative language
Neutral language
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Offensive language
not offensive
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not hateful
Attention-grabbing headline
not detected
Known propaganda techniques
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