Sam Freedman
•74% Informative
The longer you work in policy the more you realise new ideas are extremely rare.
Even ideas that seem new are usually old ones repackaged and given a different spin.
The more obvious the idea, the less likely it is to happen, says Simon Tisdall.
He says there are three core barriers that prevent the obvious ideas happening.
Post-16 education spending has been cut by aroun hundred espite politicians' pleas for it.
This is because it can be while keeping promises to protect school budgets.
The same trick was applied to post-16 spending in education which falls outside the government’s definition of schools.
Misdiagnosis means politicians pull at the wrong policy levers.
The real skill is figuring out how to make the ideas we have happen, Freed argues.
Politicians who don’t want to pursue them will be happy to argue against them. first onth at least four 35 month 3.50 Freed the South-East London recent decades the North-East only three 1995 London six IFS Patricia Hewitt Gi">the last New Labour span> Hewitt aryFeed_highLightText__NxlGi">1991 England first mmaryFeed_highLightText__Nxl NHS >Labour Tory British Scottish Labour the Coalition and Conservative NHS 14% Jeremy Hunt highLightText__NxlGi">IFS 3 hours and 59 minutes A&E hundreds the years highLightText__NxlGi">4 hour 2015/16 summaryFeed_highLightText__NxlGi">English GCSE24% > GCSE Diplomas ACVES NVQS 2015 hLightText__NxlGi">Germany 1851 Royal Commission Albert around 170 years One Vocational second many years hLightText__NxlGi">Misdiagnosis Treasury Campaigners zero Rehabilitation Treasury three e Department of Health Budgets NHS England Spending Reviews first Treasury a Treasury % post-16 NHS NHS the coalitio One ears
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