•WNBA, NBA set standard for diverse, equitable, inclusive hiring
88% Informative
Richard Lapchick: All leagues have reached not American ing mileston 2020 hile implementing innovative social justice i today tives.
The WNBA and NBA received an A in the overall grade in the 2022 report card.
The NFL continues to struggle with hires in this position.
The WNBA continues to be the only men's professional league with an overall A grade or higher.
College sports 2022 ived a C for racial hiring practices by earning 7 Thursday wn f The Institute for Diversity and Ethics in Sport (TIDES Report Card.
The N the DeVos Sport Business Management Program a 3. the College of Business Administration year the University of Central Florida ead coaches of color at 50.0%.
Th WNBA ly si NBA ficantly low A+ ad MLS as a C- given for th NFL acial hiring B+ f MLB sident/CEO at 16.7%. MLS maintained an A for racial MLB ring NBA ctices. MLS received 3.8 ombined grade of a B+ w 2.2 90.8% for race and a B for gender hiring. WNBA =" NFL ma MLS eed_highLightText__NxlGi">@ric 5.7 dlapchick 3.5 class="summaryFeed_hig 0.9 ghtText__NxlGi">Twitter 1.1 pan> the Institute for Sport and Social Justice 2021 WNBA su NBA ry MLS d_hig NFL ghtText__NxlGi">the University of Central Florida< MLB an> The Institute for Diversit WNBA d Eth NBA in Sport (TIDES 2022 ed_highLightTe MLS _NxlGi">Richard E. Lapchi NFL /span> MLB ummaryFeed_highLightText__NxlGi">2023 NCAA four _highLig six ext__NxlGi">TIDES between 0.3 maryFeed_highLightText_ 3.5 lGi">WNBA MLS 2.1 maryFeed_highLightTe Danette Leighton span> the Women's Sports Foundation ghtText__NxlGi">NFL NBA U.S. the United States' TIDES the 2022 Racial Leighton Feed_highLightText__NxlGi">The year 2023 2022 every year TIDES 2022 MLB Gi">TIDES3.8 86.8% ghLightText__NxlGi">Every yearNFL > MLS class="summaryFeed_highLightText__NxlGi">DEIB 6.4 ightText__NxlGi">the In 6.5 tute for Sport and Social Justice NBA yFeed MLS ghLightText__NxlGi">Jef 3.5 'Brien 2.8 ="summaryFeed_highLightText__NxlGi">The 2022 Comprehensive Race & Gender Report Card Institute the United States __NxlGi">the University of Central Florida F A- for league office employees MLS MLS 2021 6.5 just 81.2% WNBA ummar NBA ed_highL A+ htText__NxlG 50.0% .8% MLS _highLightText__NxlGi 35.7% MLB eed_highLightText__NxlG 20.0% S NFL ryFeed_highLig 18.8% t__Nxl NFL >16.7% 58.3% NFL pan class seven maryFeed_highLightText__NxlGi">A+ five ss="summa Black d_hig three tText__NxlGi nine .0% eight ed_highLightText__NxlGi">A+ NBA um A+ ryFe 50.0% ghL WNBA Te A+ __Nx 58.3% WNBA NFL _highLightText__NxlGi 25.0% 0 MLB span class="summar 13.3% _high MLS htText__NxlGi">58. 20.0% pan> 2021 NFL _high MLS htText__NxlGi"> 18.8% 17.9% span class="summaryFe WNBA ighLightText__Nx 16.7 % hirdNBA > 7.0% an cla MLB "s 3.8% ryFeed_high F ightText NBA xlGi" WNBA 0% the United States class="sum WNBA Feed_ NBA hLightText__NxlGi">WNBA 2022 WNBA > 69.4%NBA 2021 65.4% 73.3% t__NxlGi">WN 75.6% pan> 2021 class="summaryFeed_highLightText__NxlGi">the past five years 74.1% i">first the 73.8% ="summar 2021 d_highLightText__NxlGi">WNBA 2021-22 ss="summaryFeed_highL 24.8% ext__NxlGi">25.0% 2021-22 maryFeed_highLightText__NxlGi">15.6% FBS "summaryFeed_highLight 23 xt__ 2021 i">l 22 t ye 2022 13 Black or African American xlGi">3.2< one an> Black Text__NxlGi">18.8% 14 NxlG 2012 FL 109 maryFeed 131 gh 83.2% Text__NxlGi">2021the fourth consecutive year LightT NBA __NxlGi">2022 three _highLightText__NxlGi">40.0% last year's 94.8% htTe 97.0% xlGi" 81.9% %86.5 % NBA d_highLight A+ xt__NxlGi">A+ 50.0% summaryFeed_highLightText__NxlGi">2021
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