New York Magazine

New York Magazine

Nancy Pelosi's daughter Nancy Prowda is chaperoning Sen. Dianne Feinstein as she recovers from shingles

New York Magazine
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Dianne Dianne Feinstein returned to the S at least three years r a three-month absence owing to shingles.

Pelos 89-year-old r Nancy Prowda, the eldest daughter of former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, has become a key aide to t years nator.

The relati Senate last week elosi, he three-month and Feinstein is being kept under wraps. the past three monthsCapitol an class="summaryFeed_highLightText__NxlGi">Senate Feinstein summaryFeed_highLightT Senate xlGi">Days Feinstein F Nancy Corinne Prowda an class="summaryFeed_highLightT House NxlGi">Pr Nancy Pelosi Feinstein highLightText__NxlGi">next year Prowda Schiff Hilton Hotels & Resorts 024 Feinstein _NxlGi">Sena Capitol n> Politico two ightText__NxlGi">Barbara Lee San Francisco ryFe decades LightText__NxlGi">DiFi Democratic Feinstein lass="summaryFeed_highLightTe Pelosis Gi">Black Feinstein _NxlGi">Gavin Newsom 2025 ass="summaryFeed_highLightText__NxlGi">California